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Build your career in Tech in the most inclusive companies
Join +35,000 women in tech and find the next job that suits you
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Access job offers matching your criteria in the most inclusive companies. Put your energy into worthwhile opportunities.
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Open to opportunities, your profile will be promoted to recruiters in charge of positions that match your criteria. Get headhunted!
Unlock the career you deserve
Learn how to negotiate your salary, get promoted, become a C-Level executive and more with exclusive masterclasses.
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Connect with thousands of women in Tech, mentors and game-changers in the industry.
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And where you want to work
Find your next role in the most exciting places for tech jobs, product jobs, sales jobs plus thousands of remote and flexible opportunities.
Thousands of opportunities in Paris, London, Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Lisbon, Bordeaux, Lyon, Dublin, Mumbai, Brussels, NYC, etc.
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Discover companies' data on gender equality and the action items they are taking for better inclusion and diversity.

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*DE&I: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
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They have supercharged their career with the 50inTech community

Audrey PEDRO
"Join 50inTech platform has been the best move I made. Thanks to 50inTech, I found my current C-Level role where I manage a team of more than 30 product and design people and I aligned my salary to the market standard."

“I loved that a talent expert from the 50intech team kept in touch during my job search and helped find the perfect match for me. This is how I was introduced to Deepomatic which combined a great company culture with the professional challenge that I was looking for."

"Throughout your career, challenging yourself becomes necessary even if it is not the easiest road. And this is when and where you need support and to be surrounded by role models. From a networking to personal coaching - the strong and caring 50inTech community played an important role in helping me move forward in my career."

Magali Morin
"At the CentraleSupelec Forum, I attended a 50inTech conference where I learned about all the challenges of being a woman in Tech. I now feel more confident than ever to pursue my career in this domain even if it comes with difficulties. The 50inTech community is willing to help me and this comes with a lot of opportunities like coaching interviews, masterclasses and bootcamps."

”It all started with my discovery of 50inTech and their pipeline of women tech talents... Now, I have found my dream job, I manage a team of 10 DevOps and was the first engineer at Scaleway!”

"The best thing about 50inTech is the support network you can expect. The whole team and the community are there to lift others up, build their confidence and help them find solutions to advance in their careers. It's about empowerment and being able to count on like-minded people who understand the struggle just as well as you do."

"I needed a place where they would accept me and be open to candidates like me, and thanks to 50inTech I found Strapi. Their job board is very helpful because it gives a safety net to women who are transitioning, as they know that they are joining a company that is approved by 50inTech. It’s important to find the right place to start your new career."

Clio Rossier
"When I discovered 50inTech, I found a great community that encourages women to empower themselves and blurs the barrier we might have when we think about Tech. There are many women to get in contact with to learn more about their experience and get valuable advice from them when you’re starting, about inclusivity and opening dialogues to make sure more and more women and various people can access strategic positions, for better representation of everyone worldwide."

Elena Rakhimova
"The community 50inTech is covering exactly what I need, such topics as software architecture, technology management positions like CTO, negotiating the salary, and many others. The first masterclass I have joined was about "Clean architecture ", it gave a deep dive into the architecture principles and practical advice on how to build well-structured software based on business logic that is easy to maintain."

"Thanks to the 50inTech negotiation bootcamp and mentorship, I negotiated a 50% raise for a new job earlier this year. Some companies insisted that I was asking for too much and even tried to "help" me by telling me that more experienced applicants were asking for less. Knowing my value, I held out. I had multiple offers for my desired salary from companies who value women and diversity, all while leaving room for career growth."

Raphaëlle Richard de Latour
"The 50inTech events helped me to assert myself professionally. My mentality regarding salary negotiation changed. It reshaped the place I could play in a tech team and my own goals. An empowering adventure!"

Sarah Panthou
"On top of actions for more inclusion, it is key that women get rid of the "excellent student" syndrome and dare to defend their own interests. When it comes to salary negotiation particularly, they cannot be passive and just hope their contribution will be correctly rewarded. Within this Bootcamp, I found many tips and tricks to well prepare myself and push the right arguments to successfully negotiate the salary I deserve."

Audrey PEDRO
"Join 50inTech platform has been the best move I made. Thanks to 50inTech, I found my current C-Level role where I manage a team of more than 30 product and design people and I aligned my salary to the market standard."

“I loved that a talent expert from the 50intech team kept in touch during my job search and helped find the perfect match for me. This is how I was introduced to Deepomatic which combined a great company culture with the professional challenge that I was looking for."

"Throughout your career, challenging yourself becomes necessary even if it is not the easiest road. And this is when and where you need support and to be surrounded by role models. From a networking to personal coaching - the strong and caring 50inTech community played an important role in helping me move forward in my career."